#Throwback 2 - Second Geophysic Lab Fieldwork

It is a sunny day, some wearing baju kurung, and some wearing formal shirts...I've remembered we have presentation before this short fieldwork..
This fieldwork is just outside UKM - near a new residential housing..

 aaanddd the photography session starts now !

Diana, Nadia, Lia and Mira :)

Heyy heyyy


 With our very sporting lecturer, En. Hariri :)

 Girls, you look crazy ehehehe

Yeah Nadia, the weather is very "nice" isn't it?haha

Bunch of retards :D

My motto when I'm late to my class..

Magic hanging books..

Models below the sun.

This are machine that are worth a BMW...pheuwwww


Somebody feels so hot hehe

hoot hoott

Nice pose :D

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