#Throwback - First time wearing Labcoat :D

This is our first time in Geokimia Lab plus first time wearing a labcoat and everyones being a model :D

Say cheeeeseeee~

Me and Saddam

and Nadia and Myra's creepy shadow


Hahaha candid sangatt

Syukri being the only guy.

Now Saddam being the only guy -_-

Wassup Amat?haha

Apesal muke korang jer?

Syukri trip handsome

Nadia and Temah

plus diana..

Hye crazyyy

Look at the back -_-

The sign says "Hazardous Zone" and we are messing around hahaha

Hye :D

The mother always ordering around *note the facial expression

Hey ladies :D

Suddenly, our lecturer dah sampai at the door...awkward silence :D

aaannndd she's joining us to take a photo...homaiiii :D

Gonna miss this someday... :'(

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